
Vapeing muses and other things

8th October 2016

A fresh look at vaping


Bacon ipsum dolor amet drumstick doner jowl, tongue brisket flank ham shoulder picanha capicola pancetta strip steak boudin shankle. T-bone ribeye short ribs doner hamburger frankfurter kevin kielbasa brisket pork filet mignon leberkas pig. Meatloaf short ribs spare ribs frankfurter prosciutto capicola cupim ground round hamburger landjaeger brisket. Cow spare ribs venison beef ribs drumstick […]

4th October 2016

We are now live!

Image source Giphy

Craft Vaping is now up and running, and its time to party! This has been in the works (mainly in my head) for the past few months. When I gave up smoking the analogues last November (2015) and picked up vaping, I wouldn’t have guessed what an incredible learning journey and hobby I had embarked on. […]